
Monday 12 September 2011

wine box garden

hi everyone..

living in a first floor apartment we don't have a garden. we do have a big sunny deck at the back that we love with pots of palms and succulents that grow well all year round without much care. adding flowers in spring makes it feel like a garden, without a lawn to mow.
these wine boxes that were being thrown out at a bottle shop have been handy for storage inside & now i love them full of flowers i bought at the plant nursery this weekend. 

have a great day!


today i'm linked @


  1. Hi Cheryl,
    What a fantastic idea for rentals or smaller properties. I love this. Looks so so cute. Happy Monday xx

  2. hi Cheryl, This is amazing! What a cool idea, they look stunning! Kudos to you for such a brilliant idea, Sally xxx

  3. I love your wine boxes, hope you enjoyed the contents! I love this idea too.

  4. You did well. My friend owns an Itlalian restaurant here in Brisbane and says the wooden boxes are hard to come by. Love your wine box garden.

  5. I love your wine box idea and your photos are beautiful. The one that reflects the palms is my favorite but the one with your pretty kitty in it is tied for first.

  6. Love you winebox idea! Gorgeous images!

    I would be pleased if you linked one of your wonderful posts or projects to Potpourri Friday. Linkup begins on Thursday afternoon!

  7. Hi Cheryl
    Love the shot with the kitty kat .. too cute..

    Thanks for the welcome home. I hear Sydney had fabulous weather.. till I came home. haha

    Have a good one.. ciao xxx Julie

  8. good thinking 99! what a great idea, that could work well in any garden. have a good week Cheryl. Jane x

  9. Hi Cheryl, your wine box of flowers are just gorgeous. Perfect for an apartment. Leahx

  10. What a fabulous idea! The flowers fit so nicely in your wine boxes. I love the picture of the kitty taking a sniff of the pretty flowers!

  11. your kitty put a huge smile on my face~

  12. i have an old wine box i cherish and never thought about using it for this! brilliant! thanks so much for all the inspiration!


  13. What a wonderful way to repurpose a wine box. I love this idea. It is darling on your bench, as well as Kitty. hugs ~lynne~

  14. What a fantastic idea. I love the look and the boxes are such great containers for plants inside or out. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  15. This is a beautiful idea. I love the wine boxes and the flowers. A great display. I'm visiting over from Marty's TT.

    The French Hutch

  16. First ... love a Shiraz from Australia!!! Love using the boxes as garden containers. What a neat idea ... thanks so much for sharing.

  17. Such an awesome idea! I love it! They look so pretty and so does your kitty! hehe

  18. Those are lovely - and so are your photos! In the U.S., we generally call a container of flowers like that a Mother's Garden (I don't know if you call it that or not) ... the wine boxes are a great touch! Deb @

  19. How pretty. The flowers look great in the boxes and I can see that you beautiful feline friend approve too. Very nice.(-:

  20. I love this idea Cheryl. So many great things that could be done with those boxes! I keep meaning to stop by the wine shop to see if they have any to give away.

  21. Love your idea...and your pics are just gorgeous!

  22. How pretty! I love this idea! Your black kitty is beautiful, too!!

  23. Love wine boxes and you have used them very creatively. Those flowers are gorgeous, too, as well as your kitty.

  24. darling & your blooms look so healthy & happy! xoxo

  25. I love how you repurposed the wine boxes. Great idea.

  26. Great pics! Love the one with the kitty :) Great idea for small spaces :) Thanks so much for linking up at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays.

  27. This is brilliant! And would be perfect for my new place...(downsizing...)
    I adore.. and you did a fantastic job! Watch.. I will be emailing you with tears and pics.. going..'what did I do wrong? they don't look like yours???"
    Have a great week!
    Gypsea Nurse

  28. Gorgeous! This is such a great idea, and the boxes look wonderful full of blooms!

  29. What a briliant idea! Simple and yet oooooh so chic and refined....Love it.


  30. Great boxes and love the flowers in them. thanks for joining Wow.

  31. What a cute idea! It also gives new meaning to the word window box. :) The flowers look so lovely in them.

  32. Hi, great idea! Love all your photos. Beautiful!

  33. These are great wine boxes, and filled with your lovely flowers they look perfect for an apartment garden. Your sweet black kitty is adorable! thanks so much for joining in for VIF, xoxo Debra

  34. Hi Cheryl, I found you over at Sherry's Charm of Home and fell in love with these wine boxes..and the flowers are beautiful. Very cool idea..
    Have a great day..

  35. I love, love this!! How sweet your flowers are peaking out of this. I also could use some more of those palm trees reflecting in your windows!
    Thank You for linking this with Home Sweet Home!

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