
Monday 4 March 2013

sunday lunch

Autumn arrived right on cue with a cool change. Wet & wild days fooled us into thinking the warm weather was gone for good. Until yesterday when the sun appeared and things heated up again. 
A perfect day for lunch on the deck. 

We love our deck. It's something that makes living in a unit / apartment enjoyable. Facing east it catches the morning sun and is sheltered from wind and the heat of the afternoon. We get a small glimpse of the ocean and sometimes I see ships passing by on the horizon. At night we can hear the waves at the beach.

Lots of potted plants are our garden and not having a lawn to mow is an added bonus, which means more time for the beach or the golf course for the golf nut of the family. ;)

How's the weather where you are?



  1. oh my gosh Cheryl.
    How beautiful does this look?
    It looks like something from a magazine!
    Where did you get your white umbrella???
    T xx

  2. I agree with Tania! Beautiful spot you have there :) Kate x

  3. What a lovely outdoor setting, so pretty. We have had the longest hot summer ever here in NZ and the thought of the word "Autumn" is a little scary as I have spent most of the summer doing up my mums house and now wondering where it went to so quickly. However, like you we are still having great weather even though Autumn is here.

    Lee :)

    1. I am a Kiwi who left Chch for Port Macquarie, hoping for a better climate. Has worked out like that most of the time, but not in the last couple of months, we've had so much rain I feel like it is never going to stop! Cheryl your lunch setting looks beautiful, hope you had a lovely day :)

      xx Karen

    2. glad to hear you're getting some nice weather in NZ Lee :)

    3. sounds like it's very wet up north karen.. but i'm sure your winter will be beautiful. x

  4. Hello Cheryl

    thank you for the lovely "getaway" to your balcony.

    Do you know - my husband and I used to have some of the best barbques on the balcony of a rented unit we used to have (right down to the whole cobs of corn thrown on. Made me feel like I was in Thailand every time.

    have a wonderful day


    1. thanks for stopping by lou lou. your bbqs sound great! :)

  5. It is definitely beautiful on your deck and to be near the sea. You asked how the weather is where I am? We are just coming out of winter here on the west coast of Canada. I live a few meters from the sea. It has been a brilliant sunny day with a cold wind out of the northwest. It is just low tide now, so it is time to see if the water has brought in any treasures. In a couple of months, we will have warm weather too.

    1. you must be looking forward to spring in canada! it sounds like a great spot where you live. :)

  6. An outdoor area is like gold. Especially in the East. And how lovely yours is. We didn't get sunshine until this morning and boy did I make the most of it. All my washing is now done and hung out.

  7. Still warm here! Your deck looks lovely and to hear the ocean must be gorgeous x

  8. still wet and wild here in SE QLD, although I did catch a glimpse of blue sky at lunch time today...!
    your deck looks so lovely and relaxing. We have so much lawn to mow my partner has made a teeing off platform for his golf practice and it will still land in our property. We do back onto a golf course too, so all is good for the golf nut here too! :)
    have a great week.
    Bec x

  9. Wow! Hearing the waves from your deck must be so calming!

  10. How special,dreamy images are these ?

  11. Grey, grey and more grey ... for the past four or five months !! This is a veeery long winter for us. I just realized I am on your sidebar, I feel very flattered, thank you so much ! xo from France.

  12. Beautiful setting and such a fabulous place to relax and enjoy lunch. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  13. Thank you for sharing your deck with us, it must be wonderful seeing distance views of ships sailing by! It looks such a great place to relax.
    Sarah x

  14. Everything is so charming on your deck-the white lanterns and the blue and white table with the striped flatware. A delight!

  15. That looks like the most perfect place to sit for hours xx

  16. I love all the white. You've created a lovely, peaceful spot for yourselves! ~Zuni
