
Monday 11 November 2013

beach christmas

Can you believe it's nearly that time of year again? .. 
The years are flying by waaay too quickly.

I've been getting organised in my etsy shop and have even done some Christmas shopping, early for a change. Hopefully being prepared will take the stress out of the silly season.

 A natural, white coastal Christmas inspired by the colours of the beach.

Natural gift tags that can also be used as place cards on a Christmas table or as simple decorations on a tree. 
The starfish and anchor cards could be used year round.. 

Here's a simple wrapping idea for someone special.. Brown craft paper wrapping, a paper doily, striped and white ribbon with a single shell tied to the top.

Handmade shell decoration.. I like the contrast of driftwood and white against a chalkboard.

Have you thought about Christmas?


  1. Hi Cheryl. did you say Christmas? I know. so close, yet i'm still so far away. Just popped over to your blog for a quick visit this morning, it's gorgeous as always. I sigh looking at your beautiful stuff and wish I had more time to be creative. I suppose life just dictates in other directions sometimes. that's ok. I particularly love your shell ornaments, the round shell clusters and the single shells. Have a good week. hugs, Jane x

    1. yes i did.. it's sneaking up on us too quickly. thanks for visiting! (:

  2. while reading this I thought I had better get out paper and pen and start making lists!

    1. good idea deanne.. you must have a long list!

  3. Cheryl,
    All of your Christmas stuff is gorgeous and you my dear are so creative. Loved seeing all the sweet things you made.

  4. Everything looks wonderful.
    And yeah time flies.

  5. All of your Christmas stuff is beautiful!
    Monday greetings, RW & SK

  6. Everything is beautiful for a Coastal Christmas! I just whitewashed my ikea bistro chair and it looks very similar to the one you share here. Enjoy creating. xo

  7. Very attractive things...
    Here, in the South of France, it begins to be cold and the sea is shaken.

  8. Each of your picture is so inspiring. I love how serene they make Christmas seem, away from all the usual frenzy!

  9. Love all your bits and pieces. Very inspiring and soothing pictures for a summer christmas. Much preferable than the craziness of the silly season!

  10. Just perfect. I had someone tell me .. HEY sherry check out beachcombers blog its sooooo you . OMGOODNESS I have been following awhile now and I just love it and all you do . MY kind of world LOL .. hugs and thank you

  11. Wow you've been very busy. I love it all, but the little shell wreaths are a lovely idea. I might have to give that one a go.

  12. Gorgeous ideas! I wish I lived closer to the beach, but we always take a holiday there around Christmas so I am looking forward to it! Such a relaxed feel. X

  13. Gorgeous decorations, great ideas!!

  14. Lovely ideas. Merry Christmas to you!

  15. Just found your site. It is lovely! Do you mind sharing where you got the white plate? I've seen those before but have forgotten who sells them. Thanks! :D
