
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

changing light

i'm always ready for the change of season...autumn is my favourite times of year. perfect temperatures, slightly cool mornings, less crowds at the beach and clear skies. 
i had fun taking these photos of the changing light on my deck last night , then first thing this morning.

what's your favourite season?



  1. I just love this time of day too; and your pretty pink frangipanis!!! I can just smell them now!! Have a gorgeous day!!!
    Laura xx

  2. I totally agree with you, spring and autumn in Sydney are the BEST!

  3. These are gorgeous photos and I adore your little helper. :) Autumn is my favorite as well, but after this long winter here I am so ready for summer. :)

  4. Hi Cheryl

    You do you have a view of the sea from your balcony? If you do we can swap places. hahaha.. I'd be the winner in that scenario!!

    Love the different hues at the end of day.. usually my favourite time although it doesn't last quite as long now.. and daylight savings finishes this weekend..

    I think I too like spring and this early autumn.. but I do love summer thought it can get a bit much when we have those 40c days..

    So Bella looks very happy there.. soaking it all up..

    Ok.. have a great week ciao xxx Julie

  5. I love your beautiful cat, Bella. What a great
    photo of her. Lovely post.

  6. beautiful different hues. lovely greetings

  7. Your deck looks lovely at any time.

    Best Carolyn
