
Thursday, 31 March 2011

sophie's room

it's nice to have a room in this old place with more colour, more french, vintagey.
pink walls, vintage fabrics, french posters, memories of a trip to France, vintage postcards, grandmothers old books & crystal, collected tea cups and teapots, a minaiture ship in a bottle made by a relative, found, thrifted and painted furniture all give sophie's room character and history.

cheryl & sophie


  1. Gorgeous details. I'd love to know what some of the "Don'ts" for wives are ...

  2. It looks so pretty with all the wonderful treasures. I love surrounding myself with things that have meaning to me. My bedroom is just that with a lot of beachy thrown in. :)

  3. Sweet post. My bedroom is shabby chic. Very
    comfortable style.

  4. I adore everything here but my favourite is that little ship in the bottle!! How amazing and what a clever relative. Also love the furniture. Here's a peek into my world...
    I'll have to do a bedroom one too though!
    P.S. Thanks for your lovely comment about our house! Although it's just a shack, it's a love shack (and about as big as a stamp). Am loving your blog. Pxxx

  5. pru..i love your creative beach shack!! cheryl x

  6. I think if you threw a little beachiness, some farmhouse flair, and a French accent into a blender, my house would be the matter of that mess :)

    Can't wait to see your new room!

  7. What pretty feminine's going to be so cozy.

  8. delightful post, full of pretty things to admire, thanks for sharing
