
Wednesday 18 January 2012

harbour cruising

continuing our journey from last week along the shore of sydney harbour. steve doing the driving, me taking photos, giving orders, looking out for submerged rocks & sometimes waving an oar at the occasional protective seagull trying to swoop us.. 

this beautiful little lighthouse built in the 1800's is in someones front garden

 huge multi million dollar homes..but it's the old weatherboard cottages and boatsheds that i love most

this bridge is part of the harbour foreshore walking track which pretty much follows where i've taken you by boat

don't you love these lovely old weatherboards right on the beach?!

thanks for joining us.. 

more weatherboard love here
& the first part of our day here


  1. Gorgeous! I can't get over the brightness of the sky and sea in Sydney, so very blue! Stunning! xo K

  2. I'm such a fan of the weatherboard and if it's next to the harbour well all the better. Your boat trips sound exactly like ours.

    Carolyn xx

  3. Beautiful photos! Wish I was there and not HERE!! Looks like a wonderful time!

  4. oh to be living in one of those waterfront cottages. breathtaking. and the bridge water walk is gorgeous. beautiful living. beautiful photos. xo.

  5. More gorgeousnous!! I agree, it is the boathouses and cottages that appeal to me too, although if someone offered me the big homes, I wouldn't turn them down. :)

  6. That old weatherboard house is so cute ! Reminds me a little bit of Europe :)

  7. Love the pictures - that blue house looks like something you would see in Bermuda - it's a very vibrant colors!

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. So classy around those there parts!! Thanks for the tour!

  9. Beautiful! Makes me want to get out in a boat too. Kellie xx

  10. *** Absolutely ENCHANTING!!! There were a few pics that reminded me of Southern California, where I grew up... Have always TALKED about visiting Australia, but always shyed away because it takes sooooo lonnnng to GET there... THESE PICS MADE IT SEEM... no PROVED... that it's WORTH THE TIME in the air!!!

    ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing YOUR Sydney!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  11. your pics are divine and the water looks amazing, not to mention those homes. Sounds like such a fun drive.

  12. You just make me smile so big and wide that I'm home again!!!

    Each & every photo made me thankful!!

    Happy Days...Melissa {Miss Sew & So}

  13. You're a good picture taker & navigator. Looks like you hit some swell there at one point. Thanks for the tour.

  14. What beautiful ocean views!!

  15. Oh I love the sea, and your photos are so lovely!
    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog!

  16. Oh how I love Sydney Harbour! And your gorgeous shots do it every bit of justice it deserves.
    Beautiful blog you have here, so glad to have found you on a bit of a blog hop :o) Following along with your adventures, as a fellow beach lover xo

  17. Oh wow, I had no idea, I really should do that one day.
    Sar x

    Oh yes... beachcomber is next on my '5 blogs that rocked my world in 2011 list!'

  18. I love Sydney Harbour! Thanks for the tour :)
    Lovely blog... I am following you now :)
