Wednesday 23 November 2011

sculpture by the sea finale

wordless wednesday


  1. Beautiful and funny pictures :)

    Take a look here:

    I want to make a thumbnail-list with blogs from all over the world, so it will be easy to find, and new blogs to read. Hope you all will join :)

  2. Just beautiful. x

  3. The first and eigth photo I can see hanging in my home side by side. Wonderful post!

  4. I was loving following these on istagram! The back drop of the sea and sky in the background adds so much to them. Beautiful pictures.

  5. if only i was as thin as that sunbather on the lader :)

  6. Such an amazing array of talents and ideas. Looks like the guy up the ladder has waited a little too long for his ship to come in...

  7. amazing! these photos have warmed my wet rainy day here on the coast. xo.

  8. Beautiful pictures I love the sense of humor portrayed. You have a beautiful blog thanks for having me I will follow on my way out to ensure I come back and visit you again. I hope you get the chance to drop by my place soon and do the same. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  9. Beautiful photos Cheryl. Love the zebra's and that wood log window wall - just gorgeous.


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